Wednesday, May 13, 2009

un·de·bat·a·ble (ŭn'dĭ-bā'tə-bəl) adj. Closed to debate or further discussion: undebatable facts.un'de·bat'a·bly adv.

I’ve found myself doing a great deal of “self censorship” lately… this post isn’t anything new and exciting, moreover it’s my joy in written word, which of course to me, is.. new and exciting… I have a lot of ideas for posts working, yet am unable to bring them to a conclusion … I promise I’m trying to get new ideas and thoughts into “blog” form… please be patient : )

I find myself centering on one wonderful concept… A concept I encourage every soul on this earth to give themselves to, for I feel it’s the best reason to be alive…

“Don’t Be Afraid To Love Someone, Don’t Be Afraid To Let Someone Love You”…

I try now more than ever to live a life that reflects choosing Love Based Logic over Fear Based Logic; this single thought has removed an enormous amount of obstacles for me…

So... take this confession as a “thank you”…

I’ll never be able to fully express myself to this sweet girl, though I do love to try…

She is my favorite person; she’s the best part of every day… These are just a few of my reasons,

This list grows everyday.

You know you’re in love with someone when you’d rather rub their feet and sit on the couch with them than be anywhere else in the whole world… When you feel more at home inside your own heart than you ever thought possible, when you’re thankful… every second of everyday, for all the feelings they helped you find…

You know you’re in love when you start to fantasize about coming home to them every night, or them coming home to you, what now matters most is that “home” is wherever they are…

The thought of them in pajama pants or shorts and t-shirts thrills you as you know they are about to be “still” for a while…You can’t keep your eyes, hands or heart away from them…

You only want to be near them for they make your soul sing…

You know your in love when your daydreams and your sleeping dreams overlap and stay with you everyday, all day… you can’t tell where one stops and the other begins…Your content, to “lose sleep”, just to daydream”…

You start to wonder, if you tried as hard as you can, could you actually keep the sun from coming up, so that the night you have together wouldn’t end…. No matter how hard you try you can’t keep those moments from passing by, you just don’t want them to ever end…

You know your in love when your heart physically tightens up when you have to be away from them, it feels as if a hand closes around your heart and makes a fist, a fist clenched so tightly it shakes… your arms feel so empty… The second you get your eyes to them, your arms back around them, you feel your heart relax, then open and wrap around them along with your arms….

When a baby wants to be picked up and they open and close their hands quickly, their little heats flutter along with their eyes and hands, with their arms out stretched for you…. You know you’re in love when you’ve actually felt your heart, hands and eyes do the very same thing at the sight of your love…

You know you’re in love when your heart swells and nearly bursts everyday with gratitude that your love is in your life. You know you’ve never done anything in your existence to deserve the love you have, but you know you’re willing to prove your worth daily to your loved one and to God that brought your love to you…

You want to show this person, every single day, you want to let your love out, you want to take care of them, for they’ve given meaning to your life that you had no right to expect…

More than anything else in this world I am thankful for who I am today, and for the love and hope I have in my heart…

Thank you so much… sweet, sweet girl…

Tune of the day
By Paul Thorn

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet Kev - we are also thankful to hear the love and hope in your heart!
