Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love isn’t a dozen red roses on Valentine’s Day,
Love isn’t a box of chocolate hearts.
Love isn’t a greeting card with someone else’s sweet, soft words.

To me, love is about giving, even when you’re not getting,
A dedication to caring for, not being cared for,
Holding not being held, comforting rather than being comforted.

To truly not be concerned with what your getting back, because and most of all, that even in the darkest moments, you still feel the energy inside your heart, body, mind and soul to care for someone more than ever, when they deserve your energy less than ever…

That’s Love…

Below I’ve listed yet another deeply philosophical piece of pop culture…

Addicted to Love (1997)

Maggie: When I was a kid, my father had this dog that started to get all weak and sickly. He takes it to the vet, he examines it and says a maggot must have laid eggs in the dog's butt. The baby maggots have crawled up, now they've started to grow, and eventually they're gonna eat the dog alive from the inside. He says it should be put to sleep, because it's an old dog anyway. But father won't do it. He takes the dog home, he puts it on the bed, he reaches up into the dog, picking out the maggots with his finger, one by one. It takes him all night, but he gets every last one. That dog outlived my father. That's love, Sam.

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